Connecting people.
The right way.

Choose a recruitment partner with a difference. Discover how our friendly, supportive, and collaborative approach helps you to be successful.

Trusted by global brands and local businesses

With over 25 years' combined recruitment experience, our satisfied clients include major brands like British Airways, Next, Morrisons, and Coca-Cola, as well as various local businesses.
Permanent recruitment

Looking for a new permanent position?

Take the next step in your career. Browse a wide range of exciting opportunities with leading brands and local businesses.

Baker Recruitment team

About Baker Group

Recruitment with a difference

Partner with us for an effortless recruitment journey. Our goal is to respond thoughtfully to your challenges and ensure a seamless recruitment and onboarding experience.

Baker Group is committed to ethical and legal standards that protect your business while providing a friendly and professional recruitment service.

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Ready to start your recruitment process?

Let Baker Group be the recruitment partner you trust, as we embody a commitment to doing it the right way, achieving as one, and making a difference in the lives of clients, candidates, and colleagues alike.